The Flys struck me as just a bit too much pop and not nearly enough punk when I picked this one up several years back. It's amazing how opinions can change so drastically. Following my initial evaluation, I decided I'd go ahead and put it on my music player anyway - as I often do in these cases. Sometimes you just need to hear a record with fresh ears to truly appreciate it - for what it is, and not what you expect it to be, if you can follow my strained logic. Lo and behold, it seemed every time I chose the random option, I'd end up scrambling back to it wondering just who was performing the bright, wonderfully written, totally addictive - admittedly pop-heavy - melodies emanating from my stereo. The answer was, inevitably, The Flys. Turns out that virtually every song on Waikiki Beach Refugees, including the eight bonus tracks, is a winner. Severely underrated and unfairly ignored.
this is great thanks for tipping me off. nice blog you got going here.
know your conjurer