Monday, August 6, 2012

Black Market Baby - Coulda...Shoulda...Woulda: The Black Market Baby Collection (1980-1995)

Despite ties to Ian Mackaye and Dischord records, Black Market Baby played a decidedly different brand of punk than the vast majority of their peers. They were about as far away from straight edge as a band could get, especially notorious for their booze-fueled performances; and while their music is frequently tagged as "hardcore", it's a label I'd outright reject. This is speedy, aggressive rock and roll that has more in common with Detroit's Stooges, MC5, or even Alice Cooper, than it does with their hometown's own Minor Threat or Bad Brains. In any case, this is good stuff no matter how you look at it.


1 comment:

  1. This is a great release, a friend of mine reissued this a few years back on his label. And it was the first time i heard then. I thouggt prefect, kinda of a dead boys, teenage head, cooper type of band. For fans of bands like humpers, joneses, etc. File under bad ass.
