Thursday, August 2, 2012

Youth Brigade - Out Of Print (1981-1984, 1993)

Out Of Print is actually the original version of Youth Brigade's 1982 debut LP, Sound & Fury, with the addition of a few bonus tracks. There were only eight hundred copies of the original vinyl pressed, and the material remained unavailable until this reissue hit stores in 1998. Apparently, the completion of this version of the album was rushed so that it could be made available for an upcoming tour. The band was unhappy with the result, and opted to take it off the market. It'd be hard to say why. It's equally as great as the following year's revised version (you can find that one on the Sink With Kalifornija collection), and I'm sure some might even prefer it. Anyway, another total classic. Get it.



  1. You've got a GREAT collection here! I'm glad I found it. Looks like I'm gonna be busy all weekend! If you're interested, check out my blog:
    I've already linked yours to it.

  2. Hi Mike! Pretty cool collection you've got here - makes me feel kinda young again... I had a look @ your Amazon list today which inspired me to digitalize my Red Rockers album that you've got on your list. How could I gift this to you once done?
    Let me know...


    1. Thanks! I have a rip of the Condition Red LP, but it's pretty shoddy sounding. I'd love a clean digital copy. 320k if at all possible. You won't be able to email me the files directly, but if you have a mediafire account you can post the link in here or email me the link. If you don't have a mediafire account, use another upload service. You might try, I don't think they require you to start an account.
